Currents of Hope: Neurostimulation Techniques in U.S. and U.K. Print Media

Currents of Hope: Neurostimulation Techniques in U.S. and U.K. Print Media

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The application of neurostimulation techniques such as deep brain stimulation (DBS)—often called a brain pacemaker for neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease (PD)—has generated “currents of hope.” Building on this hope, there is significant interest in applying neurostimulation to 
App Stores disorders such as major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These emergneurosurgical practices raise a number of important ethical and social questions in mattresource 
allocation, informed consent for vulnerable populations, and commercialization of research.

The authors acknowledge the help of Dr. Jarrett Rosenberg, Ofek Bar-Ilan, Stacey Kallem, Allyson Mackey, and Cynthia Forlini. This study was supported by the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (E.R.), SSHRC (E.R.), and NIH/NINDS R01 NS045831 (J.I.)


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